Consulting & Training


"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


Arne Verbarg, Berater und Trainer


StrategiC Consultancy


Based on the professional and individual analysis it is key to develop the main goals (vision and mission). Going forward it is important to take existing valuable resource into the planning and to find the most effective and efficient actions.


Every journey starts with a first step - having a vision of the goal and being bold and fast.



Leadership Training


I believe that we habe to know and understand important leadership tools (i.e. feedback, critical conversations, start with the why) and to bring them alive in a individual and authentic way. 

In a fast changing environment this is the most effective and successful way to manage changes and challenges with our teams.


The formats I am offering are team trainings as well as individual coaching.


Sales Training


Successful sales is alsways based on professional work as well as on emotions.


Professional work includes diligence, effective and detailed planning, product knowledge, managing the right KPIs and their interdependency, understanding of sales and negotiation techniques, as well as the ability to develop proactive new concepts and to act accordingly.


Successful sales also means to show that you burn for a product, a brand, a company. Personal attitude, motivation and therefor the power for acquisition, the ability to communicate are key for success.


We always have to analyse both aspects, what is working perfect and easy as well as where are the potentials we have to develop.